Thursday, April 5, 2007

"Cluster" print by Joe Ledbetter

The "Cluster" print by the ultra-popular Joe Ledbetter was listed on the Kidrobot online store without any major announcement. I was lucky enough to stumble across the sale on a thread in the Kidrobot discussion forum and spent an hour thinking whether I should buy the print. (I am not a big fan of Ledbetter, even though I own one of his paintings, one of his prints and a couple of his toys)
The print was listed without any details about the run edition or dimensions, which added to my hesitation. Kidrobot's practice is to list the new products first and fill in the details later. This time I took a chance to purchase the US$79.95 print, and thankfully I did because I bought the last piece! :D
The print is SOLD OUT now in kidrobot store. Hopefully everything went well with my credit card and I don't receive a refund email from them.
I am leaning towards keeping the "Cluster" print. It is rare to own a piece of art from Joe Ledbetter that compises all of his popular characters like Mr Bunny, Firecat, Teeter and Ringo the bear. It even has the Monkey with the attitude. :)

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